这么多年来,一直有一件事情让崔向久(郑在泳 饰)久久无法释怀。那是17年前,社会上发生了一件影响极其恶劣的女子连环凶杀案,而崔向久则是负责此案的警探。狡猾的凶手巧妙的躲过了正义的天罗地网,当15年诉讼有效期到来的那一天,当凶手彻底的逃脱了法律制裁的那一天,受害者的家属以死发出了对无能警察以及残暴凶手的控诉。 正当大家以为惨剧带来的阴影即将消散之时,一本名为《我是杀人犯》的书的出版让所有的人都极为震惊,而书的作者不是别人,正是当年凶杀案的始作俑者李斗锡(朴施厚 饰)。可是,作为当年追捕凶手的警探,崔向久并不相信李斗锡就是当年的罪犯,一场激烈的猫鼠之争在两人之间展开。After the statute of limitation expires on the murders he has committed, Lee Du-seok publishes an autobiography describing all his murders in great detail. Detective Choi, who investigated Lee's murders 15 years ago starts the chase once again and Han Ji-soo, who lost her daughter to Lee, pledges vengeance. Meanwhile, another killer appears, casting doubt to whether Lee is the real serial killer. The key here is how well the story juggles the truth and how solid the description of the characters' tangled relationships is.