香港政府实施即捕即解措施,以压抑内地偷渡来港的非法入境人潮,而内地父母把子女偷渡到香港,往往付出金钱,而常有人财两失的情况。 一群小童在一次偷渡中相识,但及后却各有不同的遭遇。有的当上深圳酒楼洗碗工人;有的苦无亲朋,只有回乡静候下次机会;有的很快便有亲机会偷渡。与此同时,没有人想到香港政府,会与内地政府协商下,决定特赦一天,让已匿藏香港的小人蛇能获得登记,成为香港居民。 这群小童的父母,各有不同的处境,有的如坐针毯,苦却没有足够金钱,去令子女乘时偷渡来港;有的却联络不上父母,只有不惜一切,用尽各种方法,越过华界。急至千山万水赶至移民局登记,却原来已是为时已晚...,最后,这群小童他日能否在香港重聚,再续这巧合的缘份?还是天各一方,永缺于人海中?Very good kitchen-sink drama about mainlands in Shenzhen trying to get their children into HK. Alice and Ah Kim are two such women, both work as hostesses. Ah Kim's way to HK is marriage to rich playboy Jacky, while Alice deals with smuggler Tsai. The HK parliament declares an amnesty on illegal children, and whoever can get to the immigration office by a certain date can become legal. So, the race is on.