彼德在新闻界是个呼风唤雨的经纪人,包装政客候选人是他的生财之道,颠倒是非,混淆视听是他的拿手好戏。那些被他包装的候选人有如傀儡一般被打扮成受人欢迎政治偶像,吹嘘阒根本无法实现的政治报复。凭借彼德的智慧和候选人充足的资金支持,选举往往是胜券在握。眼看新一届州长大选在即,竞选风云再起杀场,但彼德似乎另有打算……Pete St. John is a powerful and successful political consultant, with clients spread around the country. When his long-time friend and client, Ohio senator Sam Hastings, decides to quit politics, he is rapidly drafted to help with the campaign of the man destined to succeed him, unknown and mysterious businessman Jerome Cade. In parallel, and unaware of the potential dangers, he proceeds to unravel the mystery surrounding Hastings dropping out, with the aide of his ex-wife, a prominent Washington-based journalist. But interests more powerful than local arm wrestling are at stake, and things start going awry.