大谷紀子の同名マンガを原作とする本作は、とある失敗で東京から奈良へ左遷された“元エリート”銀行員・香芝誠を主人公に据えた物語。プライドは高いがネガティブな香芝が、金魚すくいやそれを取り巻く人々と出会い、成長していくさまを描く。Makoto Kashiba is an elite bank clerk and works for a big bank at its Tokyo HQ. Due to a minor mistake, he is demoted to a small branch office in a country town. He is devastated by his situation. There, he meets beautiful Yoshino Ikoma, who runs a goldfish scooping store. Makoto falls in love with her at first sight.