布朗神父(Mark Williams饰演)是切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探,矮个子,圆脑袋,身材胖儿可爱。手边常有一把标志性的大雨伞,他天性怕羞,说话有些结巴,看起来憨厚纯真,似乎与探案不搭边,却大智若愚,有着很锐利的直觉。Charlotte McKinley asks Father Brown to exorcise her house, which she believes is haunted by the ghost of her sister Elspeth, who disappeared nine years earlier. The priest believes somebody is fabricating a ghost but then Charlotte disappears from a locked room. Inspector Valentine suspects Charlotte's husband Victor, a former doctor struck off for irresponsible prescription and previously believed to have killed Elspeth. A skeleton is unearthed but it is not Elspeth's and a coded message in a book leads Father Brown to discover the fates of both sisters along with the legend of the family's hidden treasure.