為了進入歐盟,阿爾巴尼亞的特警部隊誓言掃蕩境內的所有地下毒品交易,並將目標鎖定在大毒梟帕杜拉。但打滾多年的帕杜拉也不是省油的燈,竟在特警部隊中安插眼線使得艱困的行動更蒙上了一層陰影。特警部隊必須與敵人們攻同燃燒殆盡,榮譽才能浴火重生。An action thriller based on true life events set in Europe, specifically in the heart of Albania. A film that will surely leave movie goers on the edge of their seats. Viewers will be transported to the underbelly world of narcotics, crime, deceit, infamy, and danger lurking on every corner.