改编自手冢治虫原作漫画《火之鸟》的动画《PHOENIX: EDEN17》宣布 2023 年于流媒体 Disney+ 独家播出,由STUDIO 4℃ 制作。 动画讲述了罗米和他的伙伴离开了迎来终结的地球,为了开始新的生活而前往行星“伊甸 17 ”。但是那个行星的生命已经灭绝了,虽然两人为了重新开始人生而奋斗,但苦难接连袭来,让罗米愈加痛苦……Follows a woman named Romi and her partner as they depart from the devastated Earth and head for a new life on the planet Eden17. However, life has already been made extinct on the new world, so Romi finds herself eking out an even harsher life there.