两位雇农(基顿与罗伯茨 饰演)同时爱上了农场主的女儿,为此展开争夺战。两个人住在同一间屋子里,里面有许多神奇的机械装置,譬如将床翻个面掉个个放置就变成了钢琴。基顿在逃跑的过程中伪装成一个稻草人,由此也成为这部短片片名的来由。Farmhands Keaton and Roberts share a cottage full of mechanical devices for making life easy. They are rivals for the farmer's daughter. Keaton , disguised as a scarecrow, causes troubles for his rival and the farmer. When Keaton stoops to tie his shoe, the girl accepts what she thinks is his kneeling proposal.