在一个阳光明媚的日子里,我们的唐老鸭先生衣着考究,打扮入时,他骑着老式的自行车,手里捧着鲜花游弋在城市的小路上。他此时要去回见心仪的女孩黛西,因此心情格外舒畅,一路上他和拉冰的高菲还有正约会出行的米奇、米妮打招呼,一切都显得那么美好。当他穿过公园的时候,树上的花栗鼠注意到了他。作为经常与之发生战争的小花栗鼠,他们当然觉得唐老鸭一本正经的样子太可笑了,于是跟了上去对唐老鸭进行各种各样的嘲讽和戏弄。唐老鸭毫不怠慢,好好惩罚了这两个小捣蛋鬼。虽然遭到挫败,不过花栗鼠们并不善罢甘休,他们又想出新的点子对付这个老对手……Humming a merry love tune, dressed-up Donald cheerfully rides his unequal-wheeled 1890s bicycle to bring a bow-tied present to his dearly beloved Daisy. Passing the tree where Chip 'n Dale live proves a perilous hurdle: the rascal rodents make fun of him but can't take their punishment so mutual pestering goes on, till the scamps are caught and put to fitting hard-labor, powering a modified bicycle's wheels like hamsters in a wheel. However, once at Daisy's...