何督察是扫毒组的女探员,为人英勇,负责追查龙四集团的犯罪证据。在龙四寿宴上,一日本女子乔装侍应大开杀戒,欲杀龙四。龙四义子丁少爷的未婚妻Jessica原来是美国中央情报局派来的卧底,也要搜集龙四的犯罪证据。龙四发现她的身份后派人追杀她,幸好她已有足够证据起诉龙四。另探员牛孖筋的朋友一个当杀手的,联合起来对付龙四,Jessica和日本女子不幸被杀,警方顺利剿灭龙四。Alex Man plays a small time crook whose only friend is a young kid called Little monster, one day Little Monster is killed by a gangster who Works for Dragon head, Enraged, Alex teams up with a formidable police woman and A Japanese lady samurai, whose father was killed by Dragon head. Together the unlikely trio bring down Dragon's gang taking out all his men in the process.