香港重案组督察Sam(黎明)率众捣毁了某跨国犯罪组织的巢穴,并把该组织首脑之一Night(尹子维)捸捕归案,但他没想到的是, Night会在其花重金聘请的能言善辩的律师团的帮助下仅以协助偷运人蛇罪被判3年监禁,对此Sam虽很失望,但仍暂时舒了口气,携妻子Ann来到巴黎游玩散心。 谁料Night的哥哥Day派的杀手早在巴黎埋伏。在巴黎购物中心,Ann不幸被杀手暗杀,Sam虽侥幸逃脱,却无法安然接受事实。回到香港后,Sam 辞掉了督察职务,开始了隐居生活,可是在无意间结识来自日本的漂亮女记者(濑户朝香)后,他对生活又有了新的理解。Sam, a Hong Kong cop, has busted crime lord Night. Ann, Sam's girlfriend, is the prosecuting witness. Night is jailed for five years. On a trip to Paris, Ann is killed by an assassin. Sam quits the force and two years later, runs a bar on Lamma Island with his uncles. One day, a Japanese tourist who looks exactly like Ann arrives. Sam and the lady soon fall in love. However, that love is shortened when she holds a dark past and after a successful appeal, Night is back and out for revenge.