施纳普在片中饰演一名对烹饪有着极大热情的男孩,亚伯拉罕。他将师从一位巴西大厨,共同发掘美食的秘密,以及学会如何用一道好菜,化解父母之间的矛盾。"Abe" is a 12-year-old half Israeli and half Palestinian kid from Brooklyn driven by his passion for food, who has never had a dinner without a family fight. Abe escapes from a stupid summer cooking camp and is mentored by the Afro Brazilian Chef "Chico", who specializes in serving fusion food at pop up food fairs. One side of the family prefers to call him "Avraham" (in Hebrew), the other side "Ibrahim" (in Arab), while his agnostic atheist parents call him "Abraham", in English. But he prefers Abe, just Abe.