C级、或者说D级明星如月美纪自杀了,这是一年前的新闻。她1周年忌日的追悼会召集了5位男士参加:家元(小栗旬饰)、小田裕二(中山裕介饰)、snake(小出惠介饰)、安男(冢地武雄饰)、草莓女孩(香川照之)。平日在网站上相识的5人第一次见面。献上花束的他们开始追思如月。 “她不是自杀的”不知谁突然说的这句话,令所有在场的人都震惊了,大家开始就如月的死因进行分析,而5位男士,似乎也有自己的秘密。究竟真相是什么?这样的讨论,将聚会中的矛盾推向了高潮。One year after the suicide of C-list model Kisaragi Miki, five of her fans come together for a commemorative meeting; fan club leader Iemoto, Oda Yuji, "Snake", Yasuo, and "Strawberry Girl". After meeting each other for the first time, they reminisce about their idol, wondering how someone so bright and happy could have possibly taken her own life. As they discuss her death, the facts, and evidence, they slowly come to the realization that her death didn't occur they way they thought it did. The more they talk, the more the case takes shape in their minds, and the closer they come to the truth.