镇西总兵刘大雄与夫人绮梅在返家途中被昔日四个仆人拦劫. 刘被害而绮梅被辱. 但四个仆人的背后主使是六亲王的随从, 绮梅反因企图谋杀官差被判终身流放到海中孤岛狼牙岛. 在狱中绮梅与千手观音结为好友, 并在岛上产下一女. 千手观音不想让幼女卷入尘世, 将之送入尼姑庵, 主持将她取名为洁莲. 但20年过后, 练下一身武艺的洁莲还是因杀气太重犯下杀戒, 被逐出寺门. 洁莲从乾娘千手观音口中终於得知自己身世, 决心报这一血海深仇…Angry and aggressive orphan Lotus Lin gets raised as a Buddhist in a Shaolin temple after her mother dies in the wake of giving birth to her in prison. Consumed with rage, Lin gets expelled from the temple and decides to exact a harsh revenge on the four men who killed her father and sent her mother to jail.