所谓 PET 称的是有着改变他人记忆的超能力少年,他们被黑社会管理操控来替黑社会达成不可告人的目的,而这群「PET」的领袖为了拯救自己的同伴居然从黑社会手里逃走了。 人类的记忆很多但是高兴的记忆堆在山上,不愉快的记忆则是放在谷底,而正是在这山谷起伏之间一个人才能够得以存在。 能够修改他人记忆的「PET」们自身凭借自己的记忆建立起的超越家人的信赖关系,很多时候记忆是会骗人的甚至是自欺欺人,我们自己也会不经意间修正不喜欢的记忆,至少让自己觉得这些记忆好看一些。There are people who can get into people's minds and control their memories. This power is used to eradicate mysteries and cases or worse, to assassinate. The potential of said power is strong enough that it is able to destroy people's minds, however, it can backfire and eat up ones own heart. To counter it, chains are used to lock and protect each other's weak and dangerous hearts. From one's growing fear and disdain, they're consequently called as a \"Pet.\"