平凡的婚姻,可爱的姑娘,无忧无虑的过日子的村主塔子(夏帆 饰)。某天与相别十年的前男友鞍田秋彦(妻夫木聪 饰)重逢。像恶魔一样进入塔子的心灵缝隙中的鞍田,将她的命运带往意想不到的方向。Toko Suguri is married and they have a lovely daughter. She doesn't have any major problems in her life. One day, Toko Suguri meets her former lover, Akihiko Kurata, at a friend's wedding. They haven't seen each other in ten years. Toko Suguri indulges in a sexual relationship with Akihiko Kurata.