时尚杂志编辑周小辉(周渝民 饰)天赋才华,入职三年就坐上了副主编职位,却引发一手培养提拔他的杂志主编Alex(谭咏麟 饰)嫉妒。Alex耍手腕逼迫周小辉辞职,不甘心的周小辉试图带领手下精英另立门户,然而,只有一个不靠谱的编辑助理以及整天一身运动服、毫无时尚气质的素颜干物女英红(徐若瑄 饰)愿意追随。周小辉说服了好友——煤老板之子武阳(乔任梁 饰)出资,又召集了以拍摄时尚大片为梦想的农村土鳖摄影师(王太利 饰)等人组成新团队,创办新刊与老东家对垒。 然而,这群乌合之众组成的团队既不专业又不靠谱,作为精英的周小辉再怎么努力,还是难以在圈中立足。就在周小辉绝望之际,英红的意外表现却唤起他的灵感,为杂志的定位找到方向。在团队成员的共同努力下,周小辉的理想在众人追寻梦想的过程中一点点实现……Zhou Xiaohui is a rising star in journalism that won professional recognition from Alex and joined Ming Shang Magazine three years ago. However, Alex gradually begins to feel exposed to threats from Zhou Xiaohui so Alex plans to set him up and get him fired. Zhou Xiaohui is so angry that he leaves Ming Shang with Assistant Editor Yinghong and Xiaopang and starts his own fashion magazine called Modern Magazine, which is financed by his best friend Wuyang.