一起发生于丰后关前藩的意外,让磐音失去了两个发小。伤心的磐音决意离开家乡,于是告别了未婚妻奈绪,成为了一名漂泊无主的武士。磐音在江户的一间长屋中开始了自己的新生活,经屋主金兵卫的介绍,磐音白天在鳗鱼店做伙计,晚上在当铺老板今津的屋里做保镖。他温柔的秉性和出色的剑道慢慢赢得了周围人的信任,也虏获了金卫兵女儿的芳心。就在这时,磐音却被卷入了幕府流通的新货币阴谋之中。为了保护在江户遇到的这些重要之人,磐音必须将哀痛搁置心中,与恶势力进行对抗。Iwane, Kinpei and Shinnosuke are childhood friends. They also trained at the same dojo, hung out together and dreamt together. Iwane, Jinpei and Shinnosuke also become relatives through marriage. Her husband exacts revenge and kills her when news spreads that one of the men's wives is cheating. The woman's brother next rises in vengeance, which leads to murder, which brings about an order of retribution in turn. The woman's affair is becoming a bloodbath.